3 Things To Consider When Purchasing A New Piezo Scanner

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3 Things To Consider When Purchasing A New Piezo Scanner

14 September 2017
 Categories: Technology, Blog

If your company works with products that need to meet exact specifications, having access to a functional piezo scanner can be beneficial. Theses scanners are designed to scan the surface and interior of three-dimensional objects in order to produce visual data regarding the specimens. Ensuring that you have the right piezo scanner is critical when it comes to harnessing the diagnostic abilities these pieces of equipment can provide.

Here are three things that you should consider when looking for a new piezo scanner to service your company's needs.

1. Consider the noise level.

Since you will likely be using your piezo scanner on a daily basis in order to gather important quality control and manufacturing information, you want to ensure that the scanner won't disturb your workers while it is in use.

This means looking for a scanner that operates as quietly as possible. A piezo scanner that features flexure guided motion will be able to smoothly scan the surface of any object- even one with an odd shape. This smooth scanning motion helps to reduce resistance, and the noise that typically accompanies resistance. 

2. Microscope compatibility.

Because you will be using  your piezo scanner in coordination with a microscope in order to gather vital information about your products, you want to ensure that the scanner you purchase is compatible with the microscope technology being utilized by your employees on a daily basis.

In addition to ensuring that a scanner will work with your existing microscope, it can be beneficial to plan ahead for potential changes in production activities. Investing in a scanner with the ability to pair with an upright, inverted, or rotating microscope will give you maximum flexibility when it comes to measuring surfaces accurately with your piezo scanner in the future.

3. Scanning rates.

It has often been said that time is money, so reducing the amount of time required to gather vital data about your products using a piezo scanner can be beneficial. As you look to invest in a new scanner, look for a machine that is equipped with a clear aperture and high frame rates.

It can also be helpful to look for a piezo scanner that allows for the fast exchange of materials by investing in a machine with quick-release clamps. These characteristics will combine to generate faster scans, allowing you to perform quality control and accuracy tests in a fraction of the time.

Investing in the right piezo scanner will help you maximize the efficiency of your scanning processes in the future.